Watching a new initiative take flight is always exciting and on November 12th, Deepika Bhoolabai presented her new venture “SOAR, School of Awakening and Re-Creating”, at SIETAR Barcelona’s in-person open event for members and potential SIETARians. Brian David George and Almendra Staffa-Healey, who are also SIETAR España members, supported Deepika in this launch and will be collaborating in the project in the future. The event, hosted by Tea or Coffee School of English, included participants from diverse backgrounds. And to reflect such diversity, Spanish, Catalán and English were all spoken.
During the session attendees engaged in activities to foster novel and creative approaches to their sense of belonging. Deepika facilitated non-judgmental self-labelling with a guided meditation focused on reconnecting with childhood possibility. Brian led the participants in a connection and reconnection movement and music activity that helped elevate their creative brainwaves. And with the aid of VisualsSpeak, Almendra introduced a left-brain approach to participants, to help them discover which aspect of themselves had responded to the call of the event.
After celebrating our uniquely diverse experiences and identities, participants described the work as:
- “An electric current that allows me to be safe” – Michalis Leontiades
- “Lowered my defences to make me feel like I live here now” – Niki Mahona
- “Escuchar y conectar profundamente. Tener otra conexión incluso más profunda que con mis amigos” – Helena Lopes
- “Espacio de empatía, conexión a través de nuestras historias. Llegar a la vulnerabilidad para llegar a respuestas honestas” Marilu Oros
SOAR: Understanding yourself. Understanding others. Creating together.
SOAR will launch officially in January 2023 to bring together a community of coaches and professionals all working towards one objective: to awaken people to their inner potential, to connect to others from a place of authenticity and together move towards re-creating new personal, professional and global systems.Their motto is simple: Understanding yourself. Understanding others. Creating together.