This method was created and developed by Phyllis Krystal (1914 – 2016) and it consists of techniques, symbols and rituals which can impress positive messages on the subconscious mind to offset some of the negative conditioning that may have been received earlier in life. By using this method changes are achieved not just cognitively, but on a much deeper and conscious level. It is a means of gaining greater independence and internal security as a whole human being.
The method incorporates an introduction to the Cutting the Ties that Bind symbols that help you detach from the control and overlay of family, authority figures, culture, and reactions to events that impede you from expressing your true or real self. These controls and overlays are described as invisible chains that bind us and hinder us from being who we really are. We can have binds to people as well as to symbols.
Book a free 30-minute session with me to find out more
For a description of how the Cutting the Ties that Bind Ceremony works please see this video on YouTube:
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Reach out today to discover how to detach yourself from the overwhelming control and overlay of family, authority figures, culture, and reactions to events that impede you from expressing your true or Real Self

This is an image of connecting to the Hi-C that is described in the video

This is an image of the Figure 8 that is described in the video

This is an image of the Maypole that is described in the video